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Nov 10, 20201 min read
Horton Woods, Saco
When I read that this wildlife preserve was home to the largest red maple tree in Maine, I had to go...cannot resist a treasure hunt....

Nov 1, 20202 min read
Fels-Groves Farm Preserve, Yarmouth
I was lured to this trail in search of an exotic mushroom that was recently discovered here. We had just finished watching Fantastic...

Oct 13, 20202 min read
Head of Tide Park, Topsham
This park and accompanying trail systems are located at the Cathance River's head of tide, which is defined as the furthest upstream that...

Sep 29, 20201 min read
Hedgehog Mountain, Freeport
Who knew that just 4 miles from Bradbury Mountain, there exists another beautiful hiking spot called the Hedgehog Mountain Trails. With...

Sep 21, 20201 min read
Clifford Park, Biddeford
My kids asked to come here for the skate park, but we discovered oh so much more. In addition to the small skate/scooter park, there are...

Sep 8, 20202 min read
Wolfe's Neck Woods State Park
The best part about these trails is that they're minutes from downtown Freeport...and Bessie's, which I will talk about later. This park...

Aug 30, 20202 min read
Cape Elizabeth Town Poor Farm
A friend who lives in South Portland showed us this secret trail last week. Maybe it's not actually a secret, but it felt like one...

Aug 25, 20202 min read
The Wiggly Bridge & Steedman Woods
I usually seek out longer trails with my kids, because well, longer trails mean more time in the woods. Plus, spending time with my kids...

Aug 19, 20203 min read
Surprise, there's a beach in Cumberland.
Maybe you knew about this, but it was a real shocker to me. Not only is Broad Cove Reserve a gorgeous stretch of beach, but it also sits...

Aug 15, 20202 min read
Find Your Heart Outdoors this Fall.
Last week, we received word that the Maine Department of Education has given Cumberland County a "green"code and that the current plan...

Aug 9, 20204 min read
Canyons, Waterfalls & Scenic Lakes in Oxford County
If you're wondering where Oxford County is, I'll start there. This mountainous region of western Maine is bordered by NH to the west and...

Aug 4, 20202 min read
Outlet Beach at Sabbathday Lake, New Gloucester
Today I'd like to talk about the thing we're all focused on right now, finding places to cool off...that preferably do not involve the...

May 7, 20202 min read
Every Trail Leads Somewhere: Lost on the 10-Mile Forest City Trail.
Sometimes we get lost in the woods. I am no mountaineer, just a mom who loves spending time in nature with my kids and exploring new...

Apr 10, 20201 min read
Should you take your kids outside during the Coronavirus? Hell yes.
I woke up last night with a horrible thought, "What if, after weeks of sheltering at home, my kids are afraid to leave the house?" It got...

Mar 21, 20201 min read
Homeschooling in the Time of Coronavirus
This smile is because we tore up the homeschooling schedule today. This smile is because we decided to focus on what really matters: self...

May 26, 20193 min read
Bringing It Back
Most things in my past can stay there: childhood insecurities, liver for dinner, Z-Cavaricci jeans, and bad boyfriends - smell you later....

May 19, 20194 min read
Forest Bathing and Video Gaming
The longer I parent, the more clear it becomes: compromise is a crucial ingredient for a happy household. Compromise is defined as: an...
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