Lush forest filled with ferns, moss, and vibrant, red mushroom staircases.

Let me start by filling you in on the mystery trailhead for this tranquil forest. It took me two trips to figure out how to access this preserve, since I couldn't find information on the trailhead anywhere. These trails are new, so I'm assuming they've been spending more time fundraising and trail blazing, less time promoting. I get it, and am here to help spread the word about where to park your car so that you can utilize this gorgeous space.
Saturday morning, I spent a fair amount of time driving around the perimeter of this forest, taking small residential side streets near the preserve, re-loading my GPS with different variations of the words in its title, and googling "Underwood Springs Forest Trailhead".
All of this to no avail. I even stopped in the European Bakery on Route 1 to ask them for help. Their response, "You are the second person this week asking about the trailhead for the Underwood Springs Forest. We have no idea where it is."
The good news, I love a challenge and enjoy nothing more than going on a hunt for a new trail. I decided to put my phone down, stop asking questions, and just go with my gut. I continued on Route 1 and was inspired to turn right into the Friends School driveway. I drove into their large parking lot on the right and noticed a small hiking sign. Aha!
From there, I found two parking spots designated for the Underwood Springs Forest Preserve. Jackpot!!

From these signs, head to the right where you will see a large kiosk for the preserve. This 52-acre property was recently saved after some valiant efforts/donations within the community. You may have seen the large "Save Underwood Springs Forest" signs that were hung ALL over Falmouth. Well, they did it. Kudos to you, whoever you are! Another gorgeous piece of land has been conserved and is now available for the public to enjoy.

Here's the map you will find at the start. Follow the loop clockwise or counterclockwise.

Treasures are hidden all over the forest. They sit in their beauty, seen or not.
Continue on and this trail will connect with the white trail for a larger loop. It's just a beautiful walk, you will love it.
This trail is only about a mile, but take your sweet time and enjoy every minute. Never underestimate the power of a short walk in the woods. Magic happens in these quiet spaces.
